A beautiful piece of art will have never existed had it not been for the person or people that created it.
We love fashion here but we adore people. We recognize that the reason we are able to come to the studio everyday to stretch our creative legs is because we are, ultimately, here to serve our customers. We are here to create something that will inspire you and that, when you put it on, will give you... a moment.
The KERCHER team was never really built. It just sort of manifested. I spent my first few years in fashion trying to be a hero and do everything myself. Eventually, I dropped the cape and accepted the fact that I needed help. At that same moment, the universe conspired to have the team you see below start to appear in front me. We are sort of an ever growing collective of artists who just sort of found each other and who are all connected by a shared passion.
I'm forever grateful for them and all of our friends and collaborators who have (and who continue) to support our mission here at KERCHER.
Scroll down to learn a bit more about each of the people that work their ass off to make these beautiful pieces come to life. We are all just humans doing our best; like you. We laugh, we eat, we cry, we drink...we really like company happy hours and we really love our customers.
If you find yourself in our neck of the woods, setup a time to stop and say 'hi'.
- Josh Kercher

I talk entirely too much, blah, blah, blah. There once was a horse, I'm not sure what his name was though.
This is an area for the about me preview and should include something really catchy.
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"I've got eyes and they have butt cheeks. I'm going to be looking."
- Scarlet
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"Does anyone want a Marg?"
- Dante
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